Project presentations on the website

Every project supported by Gebert Rüf Stiftung is made accessible with a web presentation that informs about the core data of the project. With this public presentation, the foundation publishes the funding results achieved and contributes to the communication of science to society.


ONEDU – Midwife Refugee Kit


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Project data

  • Project no: GRS-005/21 
  • Amount of funding: CHF 86'000.00 
  • Approved: 14.01.2021 
  • Duration: 03.2021 - 06.2022 
  • Area of activity:  First Ventures, seit 2018

Project management

Project description

ONEDU is an online education platform to empower people. The first course is the Midwife Refugee Kit, an E-Learning tool for midwives working with asylum seeking families. The education tool is intended to encourage midwives to think about their own pictures. It tries to find other, new ways of dealing with difficult situations, shows how to dive into research, how to find easy applicable answers and to learn about ones own upbringing, privileges and belief systems. It gives health professionals valuable insights into the Swiss asylum system and rich practical tools to deal with transcultural interactions and trauma sensitive treatment in everyday work.

The learning units deal with the following topics in a playful and interactive way: holistic and person-centered care, “culture”, transcultural competence, the most common countries of immigration, prevailing power structures, individual background of family members, relationship between family and midwife, FGC / FGM, trauma-sensitive work and dealing with inequality and racism.

In a more and more globalized world in which people move more frequently, hospitals are confronted with an influx of people from different places and different backgrounds. Understanding and meeting the needs of every individual, in a setting where cost reduction and economics put enormous pressure on medical staff is a difficult task. Midwifery furthermore has a lot of inherent challenges, a variety of needs, guidelines, work processes as well as great social and emotional commitment. Work ethics demand a non judgmental treatment of all families.

The vision of ONEDU came out of a lack of appealing further education for health professionals. The project managers of ONEDU saw the unique opportunity to combine the knowledge from their former studies with birthwork. Patricia Frei is a midwife & filmmaker and Lynn Huber a midwife & anthropologist. Both are part of Artemis, a group of gynecologists and midwives giving courses on female health and birth to asylum seeking families. ONEDU has the aim to create a new way of learning and teaching soft skills, through innovative e-learning tools that uses diverse didactical methods for online education.


ONEDU has won a support program from ZHAW (Runway Startup Incubator) and developed an e-leraning course with a author-tool based on the already existing content, concept and storyboard from the BA thesis of the project managers. This knowledge in e-learning-tool building means that the members of ONEDU are able to build further courses on their own and don’t have to rely on outside companies to produce games, graphics, tests and so on. The videomaterial is produced together with jantofilm. The tool is already on the market and can be purchased over the ONEDU-Homepage or over e-log.ch. It consists of a lot of interesting content, such as videos with experts in different fields, such as specialists in traumatreatment, experts in discrimination etc. The course is part of the official further education catalogue of the SHV (Schweizerischer Hebammenverband) and users can get a total of 24 e-log points. The first elearning is going to be sold to midwives in Switzerland and then to other professions. The course was adapted for the German and Austrian market and is currently getting tested by the Austrian Hebammengremium. First talks with the German midwifery association are scheduled as well. ONEDU plans to provide ongoing courses and works on an e-learnings for birth workers on care for LGBTQI* families and a birth preparation course for parents. Later ONEDU also plans courses for a broader audience
on female health.


Obstetrica August 2020: Onlineweiterbildung für die Betreuung von Familien im Asylverfahren
Die Hebamme Mai 2020: Drei Fragen an die Gründerinnen von Midwife Refugee Kit
Vitamin G-Magazin November 2019: Für eine bessere Verständigung mit asylsuchenden Frauen
Bachelorarbeit Hebammen, April 2019: E-Learning-Konzept zur Weiterbildung von Hebammen für die Kompetenzerweiterung in der peripartalen Betreuung von Familien im Schweizer Asylverfahren



Persons involved in the project

Co-project leaders: Patricia Frei & Lynn Huber

Last update to this project presentation  18.03.2024