Establishing a Support Relationship

The approval of your project by the Board of Trustees is the beginning of a funding relationship between you as the project manager and Gebert Rüf Stiftung as a private funding agency. The framework is formed by the support agreement which defines the specific project planning and support. Of central importance is the reporting process linked to project stages. This comprises the interim and final reports for the internal foundation controls and the public reports on the Gebert Rüf Stiftung website. The support agreement also includes three commitments concerning extra-scientific communication.

Support Agreement

The support agreement is concluded in a discussion with the management during a support meeting. Your project will be publicised on the Gebert Rüf Stiftung website. This web presentation text should be regularly updated. The project managers are responsible for the details entered.


Interim and final reports must be submitted by the contractually agreed deadlines in accordance with the following guidelines. The project is formally concluded with a debriefing interview. The discussion examines whether both parties adhered to the support agreement and analyses the knowledge gained as a result of the grant-making relationship and the project with regard to content and strategy.

Project Communication

«Public understanding of science» is an integral grant-making objective of Gebert Rüf Stiftung and is therefore an activity that accompanies each individual project: project managers undertake to regard extra-scientific, public communication as part of the scientific project work and to act accordingly. In addition to public relations work directed at the media, three binding commitments are to be met:

1. School Visit

The project manager conducts a guided tour of the laboratory/research premises for a secondary school class (level I or II).

2. GRS Smovie Workshop

In the 1-day workshop you will learn the basics of filming (interview techniques, speaking in front of the camera, voiceover, editing on the smartphone, the use of graphic elements) and the structure of the «Final Impact Clip» which will be submitted with the final report of the GRS project. At the end of the workshop you will have produced your first own Smovie.

Exclusively for GRS project managers/mebers. Gebert Rüf Stiftung assumes the costs for one workshop participation per project according to the project agreement.

Workshops 2024: Registration
Do you have questions?

3. «Final Impact Clip»

Each project team creates a short film for social media at the end of the project. The short clip shows what has been achieved with the support of Gebert Rüf Stiftung and how the project will be continued. The short film must be submitted with the final report and will be published via Gebert Rüf Stiftung's social media channels and website.

From May 2024, the preparatory Smovie workshops (see above) will teach video production in vertical format. Choose the following instructions according to the course you attended.

Youtube: Playlist Final Impact Clip

Public Relations Work: Reference to Gebert Rüf Stiftung

Each project that is supported must include targeted public relations work. This involves publicizing in suitable print and mass media the specific contribution the project is making to solving a socially relevant problem. There is an obligation under the support agreement to mention our project partnership in accordance with clear guidelines wherever appropriate.
