Accelerating Market Entry of deeptech Spin-Offs

Nächster Eingabetermin:  01.12.2024

Gebert Rüf Stiftung supports university-based, high-potential businesses from the Venture Kick program with the aim of substantially accelerating their market entry. The funding line is calling for top talents with convincing proposals of how a research & development or design boost can speed up a successful market penetration of their deeptech business. Deeptech refers to technological innovations that are based on significant scientific or engineering breakthroughs and have the potential to solve societal challenges. For this purpose, the sum of CHF 2.5 million p.a. is reserved.

Objective: boosting innovative deeptech businesses

«InnoBooster» aims at speeding up innovative, science-based deeptech businesses which have already entered the Venture Kick process and promise high market potential. Up to CHF 150,000 for a maximum of 1.5 years can be granted to top talents with a clear plan and funding need for accelerated market entry. The funding line is calling for convincing proposals which show how a further boost in research & development or design can drive market entry and business success.

«InnoBooster» is integrated in the support pipeline of the Kick Program.

Support Criteria for InnoBooster projects

  • The project has to be rooted at a Swiss university or research institution (ETH Domain, cantonal university, university of applied sciences)
  • Funding always goes to the university and not directly to startups already founded.
  • The project must currently be in the Venture Kick program, has reached at least stage 1, but not yet stage 3 (the cut-off day is the date for the pitch to the GRS Board of Trustees).
  • Grantees commit themselves to complete the Venture Kick program within the allotted time span; if they quit it deliberately, the InnoBooster grant has to be reimbursed.
  • The project needs to show a proof of concept, secured IP, first customers, strategic partners and pilot projects.
  • The project must provide proof of scientific excellence, innovation and market potential through letters of endorsement from a funding program (BRIDGE Proof of Concept, Pioneer Fellowships, Innogrant, Innosuisse or similar) and from (potential) customers, investors and/or industry partners.
  • Budget of a maximum of CHF 150,000 for no more than 1.5 years: No infrastructure costs or overheads are financed, only salaries and materials costs directly related to the project.
  • Applicants allow GRS the right to obtain information on assessments from Venture Kick.

Project Submission

Projects can be submitted to Gebert Rüf Stiftung by one of the quarterly deadlines in accordance with the guidelines for submitting an InnoBooster proposal and elevator pitch.

Please use our web portal for your first stage application and upload all the required documents there (project proposal form «InnoBooster» and elevator pitch).

Afther the first evaluation round (stage 1), applicants may be invited to pitch (stage 2) to the board of trustees.

Deadline application Pitch to the Board, if invited
1 September 2024 Friday, 1 November 2024
1 December 2024 Thursday, 20 February 2025
1 February 2025 Wednesday, 23 April 2025
1 May 2025 Wednesday, 2 July 2025
1 September 2025 Wednesday, 22 October 2025


Project Evaluation

The selection process takes a maximum of three months, from submission of the project proposal and elevator pitch video (step one) to the final decision after the project presentation to the board of trustees (step two). The board of trustees reaches the grant-making decision at its quarterly plenary meeting on the basis of the support criteria and the strategic objectives of the area of activity.

There is no procedure for appeals or applications for re-examination or reconsideration; no correspondence will be entered into regarding grant-making decisions.

Approved projects can find more information on the support agreement, reporting and project communications here.  

Approved Projects InnoBooster